
The LightCurve plugin is a sensor plugin that was created to allow users to quickly generate a 1D (magnitude vs. time) light curve datasets. The traditional application of light curves is in observing the modulations of distant stars, however the space domain awareness (SDA) community have been using light curves to characterize orbiting assets including active satellites and space debris.

The LightCurve sensor plugin works by automatically tracking the indicated target object using the supplied geometry tag (in this case, seasat1). The user supplies a start date/time and duration for the desired data collection. For each time step during the collection, the field-of-view (FOV) that encompases the extent of the tracked object is sampled using a M x M sample grid. The samples are spectrally and spatially integrated to produce a total integrated radiance, which is also converted to a magnitude (commonly used for light curves).


Scene Requirements

The plugin will automatically track compute the radiance (and visual magnitude) of a specified object as a function of time. The object to be measured is indicated using a geometry tag associated with an object in the simulation. This is usually achieved by introducing a tag to an instance in a GLIST file. See the seasat1 tag on the dynamic instance for the SeaSat-1 satellite in the example GLIST below:

An example GLIST file with a tagged instance of an orbiting object.
<geometrylist enabled="true">
    <dynamicinstance tags="seasat1">
      <motion type="flexible">
        <locationengine type="sgp4">
          <data source="internal">
            <tle1>1 10967U 78064A   23320.39076064  .00000335  00000-0  13623-3 0  9992</tle1>
            <tle2>2 10967 107.9972 156.5508 0001869 301.4908  58.6055 14.44619060384514</tle2>
        <orientationengine type="lookat">
          <locationengine type="fixed">
            <location type="ecef">

Atmosphere Requirements

For a terrestrial sensor looking up at an exo-atmospheric object, the atmosphere can contribute to the observed radiance through atmospheric path transmission loses and path scattered and self-emitted radiance contributions. At this time, the MODTRAN-driven NewAtmosphere and FourCurveAtmosphere plugins cannot be used with the LightCurve sensor plugin. This will be resolved in future updates, but for now the user is encouraged to use the SimpleAtm option provided by the BasicAtmosphere plugin.

Plugin Configuration

Rather than construct a carefully crafted platform file for use with the BasicPlatform plugin and employ post processing to produce the light curve, the LightCurve plugin provides a streamlined method to collect and output the desired data.

The input configuration for this plugin is a JSON formatted document. An example is shown below:

Example JSIM configuration for the LightCurve plugin.
    "name" : "LightCurve",
    "inputs" : {
        "sensor_location" : {
            "latitude"  : 35,
            "longitude" : -106.0,
            "altitude"  : 0
        "bandpass" : {
            "units"   : "angstroms",
            "minimum" : 5070,
            "maximum" : 5950,
            "delta"   : 1
        "target_tag" : "seasat1",
        "date_time" : "2023-11-16T12:47:00.0000-00:00",
        "duration" : 840,
        "sample_count" : 100,
        "grid_size" : 128,
        "output_filename" : "seasat1_lightcurve.txt",
        "debug_filename" : "debug.grid"
sensor_location (required)

The location of the observation as a latitude (degrees, +N), longitude (degrees, +E) and altitude (meters, WGS84).

bandpass (required)

The spectral bandpass for the output image to be created. At this time microns, nanometers and angstrom units are supported.

target_tag (required)

A geometry tag associated with the scene object to track.

date_time (required)

The ISO8601 date/time for the start of the collection.

duration (required)

The duration of the collection in seconds.

sample_count (optional)

The number of uniformly distributed time samples across the duration. The default is 100 temporal samples.

grid_size (optional)

The number of points in each dimension of the 2D grid used to sample the field-of-view (FOV). The default is 100 x 100 spatial samples.

band_zeropoint (optional)

The zero point for the output visual magnitude. The default value corresponds for Vega in the V band (~5556Å), which is 3.55e-09 erg per second per cm2 per Angstrom.

output_filename (optional)

The name of the output ASCII/Text filename. The default is lightcurve.dat.

debug_filename (optional)

The name of the (optional) ASCII/Text file that can be used to visualize the sub field-of-view (FOV) samples. A non-empty string must be provided for this file to be generated.

The normal convergence criteria mechanism is used during the data collection. The sub-FOV grid can be thought of as a grid of "pixels" that are each uniformly sampled and converged independently. At the end of the capture, all the "pixels" are combined to produce the total radiance for the FOV. The plot below is a visualization of all the sub-FOV samples for a given time step (capture) for a simulation observing a partially illuminated sphere. Note that the structure of the grid (in this case, the default 100 x 100 grid) is not apparent as each "pixel" is uniformly sampled. The illuminated portion of the sphere shows up as the more densely sampled region (nearing the maximum number of paths/problem defined by the convergence). The background area and shadowed portion of the sphere are less densley samppled (nearing the minimum number of paths/problem defined by the convergence).

Figure 1. Visualization of the sub-FOV sampling and convergence looking at a partially illuminated sphere.

The take-away is that the number of samples per FOV is not the equal to the number of total sub-FOV "pixels". Instead the total number of samples per FOV is the number of sub-FOV "pixels" combined with the minimum and maximum number of samples per "pixel" as defined by the convergence parameters.

Important Manipulating the grid_size variable is something that should only be considered only in extreme scenarios. Like with most DIRSIG simulations, the convergence parameters is your primary control over the radiometric fidelity of the result.

Simulation Setup

To use the LightCurve plugin in DIRSIG5, the user must use the newer JSON formatted simulation input file (referred to a JSIM file with a .jsim file extension):

The JSIM file for the LightCurve1 demo.
    "scene_list" : [
        { "inputs" : "./demo.scene" }
    "plugin_list" : [
            "name" : "BasicAtmosphere",
            "inputs" : {
                "atmosphere_filename" : "./simple.atm"
            "name" : "LightCurve",
            "inputs" : {
                "sensor_location" : {
                    "latitude"  : 35,
                    "longitude" : -106.0,
                    "altitude"  : 0
                "bandpass" : {
                    "units"   : "angstroms",
                    "minimum" : 5070,
                    "maximum" : 5950,
                    "delta"   : 1
                "target_tag" : "sphere",
                "date_time" : "2023-11-16T12:47:00.0000-00:00",
                "duration" : 840

In this example, the LightCurve plugin is used with the SimpleAtm model in the Basic Atmosphere plugin.


Primary Output

The primary output of the simulation is a multi-column, ASCII/Text file containing the following values for each time sample:

  1. The relative capture time in seconds

  2. The magnitude (see note on units and zero point below)

  3. The spectrally integrated radiance (Watts per cm2 per steradian)

  4. The radius of the bounding volume for the target (in radians), and

  5. The solid angle of the bounding volume for the target (in steradians).

The default output filename for the plugin is lightcurve.dat. This filename can be overridden via the output_filename variable in the input configuration.

The default zero point for the magnitude is for Vega in the V band (~5556Å) is 3.55e-09 erg per second per cm2 per Angstrom. This zero point can be overridden via the band_zeropoint in the input configuration.

An example output file for the plugin.
4.200000 6.471662e+00 2.760982e-04 2.878857e-06 3.315126e-11
12.600000 6.410562e+00 2.786720e-04 2.947305e-06 3.474643e-11
21.000000 6.349705e+00 2.809153e-04 3.018947e-06 3.645617e-11
819.000000 5.712571e+00 1.191655e-03 1.965598e-06 1.545430e-11
827.400000          inf 0.000000e+00 1.934742e-06 1.497291e-11
835.800000          inf 0.000000e+00 1.904844e-06 1.451372e-11
Tip The 0 value for the radiances and corresponding inf value for the magnitude indicate that the target was unobservable (below the horizon) at that time.

The magnitude vs. time data from the output file is plotted below:

Figure 2. Plot of the magnitude vs. time (converted to UTC) for the demo.

Debug Output

In some situations it is helpful to visualize the samples within the field-of-view (FOV) being used to compute the total radiance (and resulting magnitude) for the FOV of the sensor. For this purpose, an optional debug "grid file" can be generated during the simulation (see the optional debug_filename variable in the input configuration). The FOV was sampled with a M x M uniform grid (100 is the default, but can be changed via the grid_size variable). The format of this debug grid file is ASCII/Text, with each line containing the spectrally integrated radiance for each of the M samples in a row of the FOV sampling grid. M lines with M values captures all the samples for a given time. These blocks of M lines of M values repeats for each time. Hence, a simulation with N time samples will result in a file with N x M lines and N x (M x M) samples. Below, these samples for this demo were plotted and animated as a function of time to show how the solar loading on the sphere changes as a function of position as it traverses the sky.

Figure 3. An animation of the sub-IFOV samples on a sphere target as a function of time.
  • The LightCurve1 demo provides a working example of this plugin.