The scene_tool
utility program allows the user to extract information
from a DIRSIG scene HDF file generated by the scene2hdf
utility.$ scene_tool -h
Usage: scene_tool [options] <command> ...
DIRSIG Scene scanning and interaction tool.
Display this help and exit.
Display build and version info and exit.
--log_level string
Sets the minimum logging level (debug, info, warning, error, critical, off). Defaults to info.
For command help: scene_tool <command> -h
The FBX Tool
The fbx
tool will will take the entire scene captured in the scene HDF
file and output it to a single
FBX file.
This is useful for visualizing an entire scene that was assembled from
a complex hierarchy of geometry. Since the FBX format does support
instancing of geometry, the resulting FBX file retains most of the
individual geometry components of the scene.
Below is the command-line help for this tool:
tool.$ scene_tool fbx -h
Usage: scene_tool ... fbx [options] filename+
Positional Arguments:
The input filename(s) (.hdf)
Display this help and exit.
-o/--output string
The output filename (.fbx)
-s/--start_time float
Set the relative start time in seconds. Only relevant if there are dynamic instances.
-d/--duration float
Set the duration in seconds. Only relevant if there are dynamic instances.
Example Usage
The most common usage is to create a single FBX file from the scene:
$ scene_tool fbx --output foxbat.fbx foxbat.scene.hdf
If the scene contains moving geometry, then the state of the scene at a
specific time can be extracted using the --start_time
option. This time
is the relative time in seconds:
$ scene_tool fbx --start_time 12.4 --output foxbat.fbx foxbat.scene.hdf
If you want the FBX to include the scene motion (as animation layers), then
include the --duration
with the start time.
$ scene_tool fbx --start_time 0.0 --duration 30.0 --output foxbat.fbx foxbat.scene.hdf
The Flatten Tool
The flatten
tool will take the entire scene captured in the scene HDF
file and output it to a single Alias/Wavefront OBJ file.
This is useful for visualizing an entire scene that was assembled from
a complex hierarchy of geometry. Since the OBJ format does not support
instancing of geometry the resulting OBJ file is single "flattened"
facetized representation of the scene.
![]() |
A large and complex scene might produce an OBJ file that is very large (many gigabytes) and which some 3D geometry tools might have a hard time displaying. |
Below is the command-line help for this tool:
tool.$ scene_tool flatten -h
Usage: scene_tool ... flatten [options] filenames+
Positional Arguments:
The input filename(s) (.hdf)
Display this help and exit.
-o/--output string
The output filename (.obj)
-p/--precision int
The precision in decimal places.
Only output bounding boxes instead of full facet objects.
Print the transform of each instance as a comment in the OBJ.
Emit shading groups in the OBJ.
-t/--time float
The relative time in seconds. Only relevant if there are dynamic instances.
--subset_min float float float
The subset bound minimum coordinate.
--subset_max float float float
The subset bound maximum coordinate.
Example Usage
The most common usage is to create a single OBJ file from the scene:
$ scene_tool flatten --output foxbat.obj foxbat.scene.hdf
If the scene is very large and complex, then the instanced objects
in the scene can be output as bounding boxes via the --bound_only
option rather than facetized objects:
$ scene_tool flatten --bound_only --output megascene1.obj tile_1_2_3_4_5.scene.hdf
If the scene contains moving geometry, then the state of the scene at a
specific time can be extracted using the --time
option. This time is
the relative time in seconds:
$ scene_tool flatten --time 12.4 --output foxbat.obj foxbat.scene.hdf
The Lookup Tool
The lookup
tool can be used to extract information related to various
truth indexes (material, optical property and geometry)
from a compiled scene file.
![]() |
The scene indexing can change if changes are made to the scene, especially if those changes involve adding or removing materials or geometry. Hence, some of the indexes in the examples below might not correspond to the current version of the scene being used. |
Below is the command-line help for this tool:
tool.$ scene_tool lookup -h
Usage: scene_tool ... lookup [options] filename
Positional Arguments:
filename (required!)
The input filename (.hdf)
Display this help and exit.
--material_index uint
The material index to lookup.
--property_index uint
The optical property index to lookup.
--geometry_index uint
The base geometry index to lookup.
--instance_index uint
The instance index to lookup.
--master_index uint
The master table index to lookup.
-o/--output string
The output file.
The default for this tool is to write to standard output (e.g., the screen,
terminal, etc.). The optional --output
option can be used to route the
output to a supplied filename.
![]() |
When the lookup tool output is a JSON document, the jq command-line JSON parsing tool can be employed to make the JSON more human readable. |
Example Material Lookup Usage
A "material index" lookup is useful when looking to identify the material
associated with the index stored in the Dominant Material Index truth
product. In the following example, the Foxbat scene was simulated and
the dominant material index for the extended grassy area was 9
$ scene_tool lookup --material_index=9 foxbat_day.scene.hdf
# Material property index = 9
# Type = Surface
# Name = 'grass (id = 10)'
# Optical property index = 58
# Temperature model index = 8
The output includes the queried index, the material type, the material name and label (ID) and the index pair for the optical property and temperature model.
Example Property Lookup Usage
In the previous example usage, the "grass" material pointed to an optical
property with an index of 58
. To find out about that optical property,
the "optical property index" lookup option can be employed:
$ scene_tool lookup --property_index=58 foxbat_day.scene.hdf
# Optical property index = 58
# Type = Pure Optical Properties Map
# Reflectance index = 1
# Transmittance index = 0
The Type
indicates that the optical property associated with the
grass is a "Pure Optical Properties Map", which is what a standard
DIRSIG texture map (and some
other optical property map types) get
translated into.
The other use for the optical property lookup tool is to extract the
spectral curve associated with the Dominant Optical Property Index
truth product. For the Foxbat scene, a random grass pixel yielded
an optical property index of 45
, which can be looked up similarly:
$ scene_tool lookup --property_index=45 --output prop_info.txt demo.scene.hdf
$ more prop_info.txt
# Optical property index = 45
# Type = Diffuse Reflectance
# Reflectance index = 43
# Transmittance index = 0
# Reflectance data
0.350 0.021627
0.351 0.021627
0.352 0.021627
0.353 0.021627
0.354 0.021627
[lines deleted for documentation purposes]
2.545 0.243726
2.546 0.243245
2.547 0.242764
2.548 0.242283
2.549 0.241802
2.550 0.24132
For this case, the material type is Diffuse Reflectance
, and the
spectral reflectance curve data is output.
![]() |
The spectral sampling (range and resolution) of the spectral data is dictated by the spectral coverage of the scene when it was compiled. |
![]() |
The output file option (-o or --output ) is handy if you want to
capture the output of the tool to a file for plotting.
Example Geometry Index Lookup Usage
The geometry index truth product can be used to lookup the base geometry object at a given location.
in the Foxbat scene.$ scene_tool lookup --geometry_index 9 foxbat_day.scene.hdf | jq
"geometryType": "FacetizedObject",
"isBase": true,
"isLeaf": false,
"masterTableIndex": 20,
"originalFilename": "/Users/dirsig/foxbat/geometry/objects/aircraft.gdb"
Example Instance Index Lookup Usage
The instance index truth product can be used to lookup the base geometry object at a given location.
in the Foxbat scene.$ scene_tool lookup --instance_index 24 foxbat_day.scene.hdf | jq
"geometryType": "StaticInstance",
"isBase": false,
"isLeaf": true,
"masterTableIndex": 24,
"materialLut": [ 2, 14, 6, 7, 8 ],
"tags": [
"transform": [
-2.220446049250313e-16, 1, 0,
-15.850000381469727, -1, -2.220446049250313e-16,
0, -63, 0,
0, 1, 0
"geometryType": "FacetizedObject",
"isBase": true,
"isLeaf": false,
"masterTableIndex": 20,
"originalFilename": "/Users/dirsig/foxbat/geometry/objects/aircraft.gdb"
In this example, instance index 24
corresponds to a static instance as
indicated by the StaticInstance
type. In contrast, instance index 58
corresponds to a dynamic instance:
$ scene_tool lookup --instance_index 58 foxbat_day.scene.hdf | jq
"geometryType": "FlexMotionInstance",
"isBase": false,
"isLeaf": true,
"masterTableIndex": 58,
"materialLut": [ 2, 14, 6, 7, 8 ]
"geometryType": "FacetizedObject",
"isBase": true,
"isLeaf": false,
"masterTableIndex": 20,
"originalFilename": "/Users/dirsig/foxbat/geometry/objects/aircraft.gdb"
Example Master Table Index Lookup Usage
All of the base geometry and instances can be accessed through the "master table" in the scene HDF file. In many of the tools available in this program you will see a "master table index" provided
in the Foxbat scene.$ scene_tool lookup --instance_index 24 foxbat_day.scene.hdf | jq
"geometryType": "StaticInstance",
"isBase": false,
"isLeaf": true,
"masterTableIndex": 24,
"materialLut": [ 2, 14, 6, 7, 8 ],
"tags": [
"transform": [
-2.220446049250313e-16, 1, 0,
-15.850000381469727, -1, -2.220446049250313e-16,
0, -63, 0,
0, 1, 0
"geometryType": "FacetizedObject",
"isBase": true,
"isLeaf": false,
"masterTableIndex": 20,
"originalFilename": "/Users/dirsig/foxbat/geometry/objects/aircraft.gdb"
The Raycast Tool
The raycast
tool can be used to trace a user-supplied ray into
a scene HDF and return intersection information associated with the
ray. The user must provide the scene ENU origin and direction for
the ray to be traced. The optional time argument can be used for
scenes with dynamic motion (default relative ray time is 0
Below is the command-line help for this tool:
tool.$ scene_tool raycast -h
Usage: scene_tool ... raycast [options] filename
Positional Arguments:
filename (required!)
The input filename (.hdf)
Display this help and exit.
--origin float float float(required!)
The scene ENU ray origin.
--direction float float float(required!)
The scene ENU ray direction.
--time float
The relative ray time (seconds).
The output is a JSON array document sorted by hit distance along the ray. Each JSON object contains the following information:
The distance from the origin to the intersection in meters.
The scene ENU normal vector at the intersection.
The scene ENU position at the intersection.
The geometry index associated with the intersection. The corresponding base geometry can be resolved using the lookup tool.
The instance index associated with the intersection. The corresponding instance and base geometry can be resolved using the lookup tool.
The master table index associated with the intersection. The corresponding geometry can be resolved using the lookup tool.
Example Usage
The primary usage is to generate a JSON document containing intersection information for geometry along the ray:
tool.$ scene_tool raycast --origin 41 70 5000 --direction 0 0 -1 foxbat_day.scene.hdf | jq
"geometryIndex": 3,
"hitDistance": 4990.4755859375,
"hitNormal": [ 0, 0, 1 ],
"hitPosition": [ 41, 70, 9.5244140625 ],
"instanceIndex": 5,
"masterTableIndex": 9
"geometryIndex": 3,
"hitDistance": 4991,
"hitNormal": [ 0, 0, -1 ],
"hitPosition": [ 41, 70, 9 ],
"instanceIndex": 5,
"masterTableIndex": 9
"geometryIndex": 0,
"hitDistance": 5000,
"hitNormal": [ 0, 0, 1 ],
"hitPosition": [ 41, 70, 0 ],
"instanceIndex": 0,
"masterTableIndex": 1
In this example, the ray intersects the top roof of the hangar, the ceiling of the hangar (separate geometry 50 cm below the roof) and then the ground under the hangar.
The Summary Tool
The summary
tool produces a small JSON document containing information
about the scene, including the scene meta-data (name, authors, description,
etc.), geographic origin, size, bounding box and any tags. This summary
document is useful for checking the history and features of a scene HDF
file. Below is the command-line help for this tool:
tool.$ scene_tool summary -h
Usage: scene_tool ... summary [options] filenames+
Positional Arguments:
The input filename(s) (.hdf)
Display this help and exit.
-o/--output string
The output filename (.json), default stdout.
Example Usage
The primary usage is to generate the JSON document summary of the scene:
tool.$ scene_tool summary foxbat_day.scene.hdf
"foxbat_day.scene.hdf": {
"authors": [
"Joseph Sirianni, Robert Rose and Mike Platt."
"boxMax": [
"boxMin": [
"description": "This scene was created in 1994. It features an airfield featuring several MIG-25 (aka \"Foxbat\") fighter jets. This day variant does not include the user-defined sources.",
"generator": "scene2hdf",
"md5Hash": "074f4f002c152f3692551e816b5cbb5b",
"name": "Foxbat, Day",
"origin": {
"altitude": -2.8179105715508967e-09,
"latitude": 43.119998931884766,
"longitude": -78.44999694824219
"size": [
"tags": [
The Z-Probe Tool
The zprobe
tool can be used for "poking" a compiled scene HDF at various
horizontal locations to determine the vertical height at that location.
This is useful for figuring out how to determine Z for an object that you
want to place onto a scene at a given XY location:
tool.$ scene_tool zprobe -h
Usage: scene_tool ... zprobe [options] filename
Positional Arguments:
filename (required!)
The input HDF filename (.hdf)
Display this help and exit.
-i/--input_filename string(required!)
The input scene XY file.
--input_frame string
The input coordinate frame [default = 'enu'].
-o/--output_filename string(required!)
The output scene XYZ file.
--output_coords string
The output coordinate frame [default = 'enu'].
--z_origin float
The Z to probe from [default = 10000 m]).
The input filename is expected to be a two column, ASCII/Text file
containing a single horizontal (2D) point for each line. The coordinate
frame for the input point can be either
Scene ENU
or Geodetic. This can be changed
with the --input_frame
option being set to either enu
or geodetic
The default is enu
The output filename contains the 3D points for each of the input 2D points.
Similarly, the coordinate frame for the output can be set via the
option, with the default set to enu
The Z is determined using a simple vertical ray trace that is started from
the input XY location and from a height defined by the --z_origin
This height defaults to 10000
meters and should only need to be changed
if the scene is significantly offset from the origin.
Example Usage
In the simplest usage, the user will probe with Scene ENU XY locations to determine the Scene ENU Z location:
$ cat example_xy.txt 1761.611552 3358.382688 2143.895627 1850.597637 5.038513 -2517.220380 2021.088302 1303.361434 $ scene_tool zprobe -i example_xy.txt -o example_xyz.txt example.scene.hdf # Scene origin = 38.80556041179794, -120.42239788798767, 7.043014976067189e-10 Probing Z for XY = [1761.6116,3358.3826] Probing Z for XY = [2143.8955,1850.5977] Probing Z for XY = [5.038513,-2517.2205] Probing Z for XY = [2021.0883,1303.3615] $ cat example_xyz.txt 1761.61 3358.38 1743.91 2143.9 1850.6 1719.32 5.03851 -2517.22 1287.63 2021.09 1303.36 1744.22
The tool can also be used with geodetic (latitude and longitude) inputs to get Scene ENU outputs. In this example, we probe a single lat/lon that we know is very close to the Scene ENU origin.
$ cat example_latlon.txt 38.80556041179794 -120.42239788798767 $ scene_tool zprobe -i example_latlon.txt --input_frame geodetic -o example_xyz.txt example.scene.hdf # Scene origin = 38.80556041179794, -120.42239788798767, 7.043014976067189e-10 Probing Z for lat/lon = [38.80556,-120.4224] -> XY = [-0.3075154,0.07258793] $ cat example_xyz.txt -0.307515 0.0725879 1519.14
Any permutation of input and output frames is supported.