The make_adb
tool is key component of the DIRSIG4 "Classic"
atmosphere model (aka "ClassicAtm") and is supported in DIRSIG5
by the BasicAtmosphere plugin). This
tool is responsible for creating the atmosopheric database
(ADB) from a series of MODTRAN simulations.
Requirement Collection
When the make_adb
tool runs, it is executing MODTRAN simulations
that are specific to a given simulation. The specifics of the
simulation that are captured by make_adb
in the ADB
file include:
The geographic location of the scene in the simulation,
The mean date and time of the simulation,
The average altitude of the sensor platform in the simulation,
The accumulated field-of-view (FOV) of the sensors in the simulation, and
The wavelengths of all the sensor focal planes in the simulation.
The list above includes the words "mean", "average" and "accumulated" because the resulting ADB file contains a single set of tables for the simulation. The general assumption of the ClassicAtm model is that the atmosphere is temporally frozen during the simulation. When the simulation is a single-frame at a point in time, this assumption is easily satisfied. However, when the simulation has a non-zero length collection window and involves a moving platform and/or a scanning sensor(s), then this assumption needs to be accounted for. In these non-instantaneous scenarios, the database is created to span the extents of the simulation in the following ways:
The date/time for the database is the mid-point of the collection time window.
The altitude for the database is the average altitude of the sensor during the collection time window.
The FOV for the database is the accumulated FOV formed by the motion of the platform combined with the platform-relative scanning of the sensor(s) during the collection time window.
![]() |
This frozen time assumption is enforced by a hard-coded time window that spans +/- 15 minutes from the database. If your simulation tasks span more than 30 mins, then you will need to break the simulation into multiple simulations. This is one of the key advantages of the NewAtmosphere toolchain. |
During the initialization of the make_adb
tool, the tool is
gathering the information (date, time, altitude, FOV, wavelengths,
etc.) and generating the list of MODTRAN simulations that will need
to be run to construct the database required for the simulation.
MODTRAN Interaction
The make_adb
tool runs MODTRAN by repeatedly modifying an input
MODTRAN "tape5" file, running MODTRAN with that modified input,
reading the MODTRAN output and storing it in the
atmospheric database. The user-supplied MODTRAN
input "tape5" file is referred to as the "template" file since it
provides the basis for all the MODTRAN runs executed by the tool.
The template "tape5" file is primarily used for it’s card #1 and
#2 data (and all the subcards), which describe the optical properties
of the atmosphere. In general, the make_adb
utility updates the
card #3 and #4 data, which contains specifics about the type of path
to be modeled, the geometry of that path, the wavelengths, etc. In
general, if a tape5 variable describes what the atmosphere looks like,
leaves it alone. If a tape5 variable describes something
specific to the DIRSIG simulation, make_adb
modifies it. The table
below attempts to document which variables are modified. The tool
will run 100s of MODTRAN simulations, so different variables are
modified at different times depending on the type of MODTRAN simulation
being performed.
![]() |
The -save_tapes option will preserve all the MODTRAN input
files generated by make_adb and output files generated by
MODTRAN if the user wants to verify the modifications to the
input "template".
Card | Variable | Description |
Card 1 |
Updated as needed to use source irradiance, scattered radiance, etc. modes. |
Card 1 |
Updated as needed to specify the path type. |
Card 1A |
Updated to specify the path to the MODTRAN |
Card 1A4 |
Updated to specify the path to the MODTRAN |
Card 2 |
Updated to reflect the ground altitude of the scene. |
Card 3 |
H1 |
Updated to reflect the path starting altitude. |
Card 3 |
H2 |
Updated to reflect the path ending altitude. |
Card 3 |
Updated to reflect the path angle. |
Card 3 |
Updated to reflect the path range. |
Card 3ALT |
H1 |
Updated to reflect the path starting altitude. |
Card 3ALT |
H2 |
Updated to reflect the path ending altitude. |
Card 3ALT |
Updated to reflect the path angle. |
Card 3ALT |
Updated to the day of year (impacts Earth-Sun distance → solar irradiance). |
Card 3ALT |
RO |
Updated to use the default Earth radius ( |
Card 3ALT |
Updated to reflect the which exo-source to model (Sun or Moon). |
Card 3ALT |
Updated to reflect phase angle of the Moon (from DIRSIG ephemeris model). |
Card 3A1 |
Updated to reflect the exo-source geometry method. |
Card 3A1 |
Updated to set the day of year (impacts Earth-Sun distance). |
Card 3A1 |
Updated to reflect the which exo-source to model (Sun or Moon). |
Card 3A2 |
PARM[1-4] |
Updated to reflect the Sun/Moon position (from DIRSIG ephemeris model). |
Card 3A2 |
Updated to reflect azimuth angle of the path. |
Card 3A2 |
Updated to reflect phase angle of the Moon (from DIRSIG ephemeris model). |
Card 4 |
V1 |
Updated to reflect the minimum wavelength (or frequency) of the bandpass. |
Card 4 |
V2 |
Updated to reflect the maximum wavelength (or frequency) of the bandpass. |
Card 4 |
DV |
Updated to reflect the delta wavelength (or frequency) of the bandpass. |
Card 4 |
Updated to reflect the delta wavelength (or frequency) of the bandpass. |
Card 4 |
FLAGS[1-8] |
Updated to specify the slit shape, disable extra outputs, etc. |
![]() |
CARD 3ALT contains redundant variables with CARD 3A1 and CARD 3A2
but is used for directly transmitted irradiance runs versus scattered
radiance runs.
MODTRAN Configuration
The setup of DIRSIG to use MODTRAN is described in the MODTRAN Setup section of the DIRSIG Installation Guide. In addition, the MODTRAN Integration Guide contains useful details about using specific versions of MODTRAN with DIRSIG.
The primary configuration task for the tool is the location of the MODTRAN installation to be used by the tool. The configuration captures three elements:
The path to the MODTRAN executable,
The path to the MODTRAN
directory, and -
The spectral resolution limit for this version of MODTRAN (
wavenumbers for MODTRAN4 and0.1
for MODTRAN5 and later).
There are two options for specifying these configuration elements.
Older Configuration File Method
In DIRSIG3, the MODTRAN installation specifics were captured in a
configuration file that was contained in the software installation
(e.g., $DIRSIG_HOME/config/make_adb
). By default, the versions of
included in DIRSIG3 would load this file to get information
about the MODTRAN installation to be used. An example of this file
is shown below:
configuration file.# # This is the make_adb configuration file. This configuration file # will most likely NOT work for your facility without modifications # to reflect the specifics of you MODTRAN installation. # MAKE_ADB_CFG = 1.0 MODTRAN { MODTRAN_EXE = /usr/local/Mod4v3r1/Mod4v3r1.exe MODTRAN_DATA_DIR = /usr/local/Mod4v3r1/DATA MODTRAN_MIN_DELTA = 1.0 } BACKGROUND_RADIANCE_FILE = /usr/local/dirsig/lib/data/misc/star_light.dat
In DIRISG4, this mechanism was replaced with a newer mechanism (see
below). However, the DIRISG4 version of make_adb
still supported
a command-line option (see the -use_config
option) to specify the
path to one of these DIRSIG3 era configuration files. Although not
encouraged, this option can still be used to simplify the deployment
or execution of make_adb
in complex compute environments.
Newer User Profile Method
The primary limitations of the MODTRAN configuration method utilized in DIRSIG3 was that:
The configuration file had to be migrated/updated with every new DIRSIG software update, and
Individual users had to maintain configuration files if they wanted to manually manage or override the centralized configuration in the DIRSIG installation.
This was addressed in DIRSIG4 by relocating the MODTRAN installation
specifics to the user’s DIRSIG personal settings. These settings are
stored using the common platform specific mechanisms on each host
operating system (e.g., user registry entries on Windows, an application
PLIST file on MacOS, etc.). Because they are stored in the user’s account,
the MODTRAN settings are not lost between upgrades and the user can easily
customize their configuration. In addition, the new mechanism allows the
user to have multiple MODTRAN installations configured and choose which to
use. The MODTRAN installations can be viewed and modified in the DIRSIG
graphical user interface Simulation Editor (DIRSIG
or DIRSIG.exe
by opening the settings (File → Settings menu item, or
DIRSIG → Preferences on MacOS) and going to the MODTRAN tab.
MODTRAN6 Integration
A major development in MODTRAN6 was the shift from the old "tape5"
style inputs to a new JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) style input.
In addition to improving the general readability of the input, the
JSON document format is much easier to read in, modify and write
back out. However, the DIRSIG4-era
ClassicAtm model and make_adb
tool will not be updated to use the new JSON input format since
feature enhancements on this tool have been suspended in favor of
the DIRSIG5-era NewAtm model and the
MODTRAN JSON Backend for the
atm_builder tool.
However, MODTRAN6 does feature backward compatibility with the
older "tape5" input files. And make_adb
takes advantage of
that compatibility to support the use of MODTRAN6.
![]() |
Earlier releases of DIRSIG required the user to create a
wrapper script to make MODTRAN6 look and act like ealier
versions of MODTRAN for make_adb . That wrapper script
is no longer needed and the user can point DIRSIG directly
to the MODTRAN6 executable (typically named mod6cons ).
MODTRAN4-P Integration
A small project in the early 2000s produced a prototype version of MODTRAN4 that had a limited set of updated scattering phase functions that enabled the prediction of polarized atmospheric path radiance. If you have access to this version of MODTRAN (referred to as MODTRAN4-P), you can configure it for use in DIRSIG.
![]() |
Work on the MODTRAN4-P prototype ceased nearly 20 years ago. If you do not already have access to this restricted version of MODTRAN, please do not ask RIT and the DIRSIG team how to acquire it. |
Simply create a MODTRAN installation profile that points to the MODTRAN4-P
installation and use it with the -polarized
$ make_adb -polarized demo.sim
If you choose to create an alternate MODTRAN installation configuration file, your command line will look something like this:
$ make_adb -use_config modtran4p.conf -polarized demo.sim
If you receive the following error while make_adb
is running in
polarized mode then you should verify that you are correctly running
MODTRAN output is not polarized!
This section outlines the various options for the make_adb
Atmosphere File Options
The <classicradiativetransfer>
element in the DIRSIG4 .atm
captures a variety of inputs for the
ClassicAtm model. An example
of this XML element is included below:
<modtrantape5file externalfile="classic_mls_rural_23km.tp5"/>
The <modtrantape5file>
element supplies the MODTRAN template "tape5" file
for MODTRAN. If the externalfile
attribute is provided, it is assigned
the path to the file to be used. Otherwise, this element will contain the
contents of the "tape5" enclosed in an XML CDATA
block (see below):
M 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0.000 0.00
2 0 0 1 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.218
20.218 0.218 180.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0
1 2 236 0
43.000 77.000 0.000 0.000 12.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
450 35050 100 2
The benefit of this "internal" method is that it removes an external file
dependency on the .atm
file. When you share the .atm
file you do not
need to also share the "tape5" file referenced in the .atm
![]() |
Be careful to avoid perturbing the formatting of the tape5
file when importing the "tape5" file. With the exception of
removing empty lines at the start and end of the CDATA the
contents are parsed directly as a "tape5" file.
The <modtranprofilename>
element specifies which MODTRAN installation
profile will be used. In this example, the profile with the name
fill be used.
![]() |
If the <modtranprofilename> is not supplied, the tool will use
the first (default) profile in the user’s account.
The <adbfile>
element contains the name of the ADB file
produced by make_adb
The <removesensorpath>
element controls an option to "remove" the
path between the sensor and the scene. Setting this option to
will cause the path transmission data to be reset to 1
the path radiance data to be reset to 0
after reading the database.
As a result, the radiance at the sensor is essentially the surface
leaving radiance.
The <trypolarized>
element mirrors the -polarized
command-line option
(discussed below). This option will try to run MODTRAN in polarized mode.
This mode was only supported by the limited access version of MODTRAN4 that
had polarization support (referred to as MODTRAN4-P). Using this option
with any other version of MODTRAN will result in an error.
The <usefastsky>
element controls an option to populate the angularly
sampled sky irradiance data table with a single uplooking sky path from
MODTRAN. Originally introduced to facilitate quick database builds when
debugging the use of this option is strongly discouraged.
Command-Line Options
Release: 2022.05 (03a571b) built on Jan 31 2022 14:22:02
Copyright 2015-2022 Rochester Institute of Technology
usage: make_adb [options] <SIM file>
where [options] are:
-help Print this help/usage message
-use_config <file> Use alternate MODTRAN configuration info
-show_config Print MODTRAN configuration info
-max_inversion <alt> Set the max inversion altitude
-max_range <range> Set the max range [km] for sensor paths
-fov_min_deltas <theta,phi> Set the minimum angle between paths within the sensor FOV
-polarized Create a polarized atmosphere
-save_tapes Save copies of generated tape file
-interactive <bandpass> Create Interactive Mode queries atmosphere
The -use_config
option can be used to specify the path to a DIRSIG3 era
MODTRAN installation configuration file.
The -show_config
option will print the MODTRAN configuration(s) available.
The -max_inversion
option lets the user specify the inversion altitude
used to update the boundary layer data in a MODTRAN user-defined atmosphere
= 7
) from the weather data supplied to the DIRSIG
The -max_range
option is used to specify the maximum range for a
simulation where the FOV of the sensor is entirely above the horizon.
The -fov_min_deltas
options lets the user override the minimum zenith
and azimuth angles between paths within the sensor FOV.
The -polarized
option will try to run MODTRAN in polarized mode. This
mode was only supported by the limited access version of MODTRAN4 that
had polarization support (referred to as MODTRAN4-P). Using this option
with any other version of MODTRAN will result in an error.
The -save_tapes
option will preserve all the MODTRAN run directories,
including the input and outputs.
The -interactive
option runs the tool in the "interactive" mode, which
supports DIRSIG4’s interactive mode.
Computing Weather Insolations
The weather file used by the THERM weather plugin includes broad-band direct (solar) and diffuse (sky) insolation (broad-band irradiance) values for each time entry. However, those insolation values might not be consistent with the MODTRAN description of the atmosphere. For example, the weather file might have direct and diffuse insolation values indicative of high visibility conditions, but the MODTRAN description of the atmosphere might describe low visibility conditions. The ramifications of this apparent contradiction would manifest itself as predicted scene temperatures that are not correlated with the atmospheric conditions. For example, if the weather file insolations are for high visibility conditions, the temperatures might be higher than expected for the low visibility imaging conditions.
To help address this issue, the make_adb
tool has a mode that
will compute these weather file insolation values based on the
MODTRAN description of the atmosphere. Running the make_adb
with the -compute_insolations
option will take the MODTRAN
description of the atmosphere defined in the supplied simulation
and compute appropriate broad-band solar and sky irradiance values
as a function of time of day. These irradiance values are then
converted to the insolation units used in the weather file and a
new weather file is generated.
$ make_adb -compute_insolations classic_mls.sim
Release: 2022.19 (64fb95f) built on May 13 2022 12:42:08
Copyright 2015-2022 Rochester Institute of Technology
Reading thumbnail
Checking for scene-driven pointing ... done.
Platform does not require scene geometry
Using MODTRAN profile 'MODTRAN5' (default)
[output deleted for documenation brevity]
Computing weather insolations .................................................
................................................................. done.
The primary output of this execution is a THERM weather file containing the
direct and diffuse insolations computed using the MODTRAN configuration
supplied. Currently the new weather file is always named new.wth
and it
should be appropriately renamed (to indicate its origin and how it was
modified) and then referenced from your
BasicAtmosphere .atm
If you are having problems with make_adb
that are MODTRAN related,
consider running with the -save_tapes
option and reviewing the
input and output files for the MODTRAN simulation that failed.
In addition, consult the MODTRAN Integration Guide and the Troubleshooting Guide for specific issues.