This document describes the set of plugins that provide exo-atmosphere source (sun and moon) position calculations in DIRSIG5.
Ephemeris plugins are explicitly supplied in a JSIM file
via the plugin list. When using a DIRSIG4 era XML simulation description,
the ephemeris plugin is automatically configured via the options available
inside the .atm
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The ephemeris plugins are called for every temporal state change in DIRSIG5. That means every unique capture time (e.g. array read out) will get an updated Sun and/or Moon position. Unlike in DIRSIG4, there is no temporal quantization in these ephemeris updates. However, each ephemeris plugin is in charge of it’s own console notifications and some will limit the number notifications to avoid overwhelming the output. |
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Internally the position of the Sun and Moon are stored as ECEF locations. This allows the relative position of these sources to be computed for any location on the planet. However, the plugins will usually report the positions of these exo-atmospheric sources in terms of an observer (i.e., a declination and azimuth angle) at a specific location. |
SPICE Ephemeris
The "SPICE" ephemeris model is the primary and preferred plugin to position the Sun and Moon. It is a wrapper around NASA’s SPICE observation geometry information system. This code and set of supporting databases is used extensively by NASA for planning observations of exo-atmospheric objects and in computing the trajectories of spacecraft leaving Earth and heading to various objects in the solar system and beyond.
Input Kernel Files
This plugin is dependent upon a set of input kernel files that are
available from the SPICE
website, but are packaged with DIRSIG for convenience. This includes
a simplified copy of the DE430 database (includes only the Sun and
Moon), a leap second definition file and a planetary constants file.
These files are located in the lib/data/spice
folder inside the
DIRSIG installation.
There are a set of optional inputs for the SPICE plugin that allow you to override the supplied/default SPICE kernel files:
This optional variable contains the path to a SPICE SPK (ephemeris) kernel file.
This optional variable contains the path to a SPICE PCK (planetary constants) kernel file.
This optional variable contains the path to a SPICE LSK (leap second) kernel file.
Update Notifications
The solar and lunar state are update for every temporal state change,
but this plugin does not output a console notification for every
update by default. In the case of a continuous read-out focal plane
(video, pushbroom scanner, etc.), a large number of ephemeris update
messages would be generated. To avoid flooding the output with
these notifications, the plugin tracks the internal simulation
date/time for when the last notification message was generated.
When a plugin update request is made during a state change, the
requested date/time will be compared to this last date/time. If
those internal simulation times differ by a temporal threshold, a
new notification message will be generated and the last date/time
updated. By default, that threshold is 60.0
seconds, which means
a simulation with tasks spanning less than 60 seconds (internal
simulation time) will only see a single notification. However,
this temporal threshold can be overridden by providing the
variable in the JSON inputs
for the plugin.
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If you want to get a notification message for every update,
set the update_delta to 0.0 .
The scene index
The observation angles for the exo-atmosphere sources that appear
in the notification messages are relative to a specific observer
on the Earth. For simple simulations with a single scene, that
observer is located at the Scene ENU origin of that scene. In cases
when there are multiple scenes in the
simulation, the optional scene_index
variable can be provided to
define which scene these observation angles are relative to. This
variable defaults to 0
, which corresponds to the first scene
loaded. If the user wants to make the scene-relative source angles
that appear in the notification messages relative to a different scene,
then the scene_index
variable should be set to the index for that
![]() |
The scene indexes are printed to the output when DIRSIG is run and/or can be foudn via the scene index truth. |
Example Configuration
The following configuration example includes an override for the LSK (leap
second) kernel file and to set the notification update threshold to 0.2
"plugin_list": [
"name": "SpiceEphemeris",
"inputs": {
"lsk_filename": "/home/joeuser/naif0011_modified.tls",
"update_delta": 0.2,
"scene_index": 17
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As a reminder, the solar and lunar state will be updated for
every temporal state change. The update_state variable
only controls how often this plugin writes a notification
message to the output.
Fixed Ephemeris
The "fixed" ephemeris model is used when the user wants to directly supply fixed (static) positions of the Sun and Moon. This is frequently used to setup specific illumination conditions for testing, verification and validation.
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Remember that the position of the Sun and Moon are fixed (static) as a function of time, making the position of these objects independent of the time of day. |
The Sun and Moon position are defined in terms of zenith (degrees,
declination) and azimuth (degrees, East of North) angles. The moon
phase is described in terms of fraction, with 0
being a new moon
condition and 1
being a full moon condition.
Example Configuration
The parameters are directly supplied in the JSIM inputs
for the plugin:
"plugin_list": [
"name": "FixedEphemeris",
"inputs": {
"solar_zenith": 45,
"solar_azimuth": 90,
"lunar_zenith": 45,
"lunar_azimuth": 270,
"lunar_fraction": 0.5,
"scene_index": 12
Internally, the Sun and Moon postions are stored as
ECEF locations.
The user-supplied observation angles for the exo-atmosphere sources are
relative to a specific location on the Earth. Specifically, these
angles are assumed to be relative to the origin in the
Scene ENU coordinate system.
Hence, for the
user-supplied, scene-relative observation angles to be converted
to ECEF angles, the geographic location of the observer must be
established. For simple simulations with a single scene, the
observer is assumed to be at the geographic location corresponding
to the Scene ENU origin. When there are multiple
scenes in the simulation, the optional scene_index
variable can
be provided to define which scene these observation angles are
relative to. This variable defaults to 0
, which corresponds to
the first scene loaded. If the user wants to make the scene-relative
observer angles relative to a different scene, then the scene_index
variable should be set to the index for that scene.
![]() |
The scene indexes are printed to the output when DIRSIG is run and/or can be foudn via the scene index truth. |
Data-Driven Ephemeris
The "data-driven" ephemeris model is used when the user wants to directly supply the position of the Sun and Moon as a function of time. This is frequently used to setup specific illumination conditions for testing, verification and validation.
Example Configuration
The data is supplied in an external, ASCII/Text file that is referenced in
the JSIM inputs
for the plugin:
"plugin_list": [ ... { "name": "DataDrivenEphemeris", "inputs": { "filename": "ephemeris_data.txt" } }, ... }
The external ASCII/Text file is formatted as a series of lines defining the sun and moon state as a function of time. Each line contains 6 fields:
The date/time as an ISO-8601 string
The solar zenith angle (degrees, declination)
The solar azimuth angle (degrees, East of North)
The lunar zenith angle (degrees, declination)
The lunar azimuth angle (degrees, East of North)
The lunar phase fraction (fraction, 0 → 1).
The moon phase is described in terms of fraction, with 0
being a new
moon condition and 1
being a full moon condition.
Positions are not interpolated for times between entries. The plugin will choose the entry with the date/time closest to the requested state date/time but without going over. Consider the following input file:
2000-08-01T12:59:50.0000-05:00 55.0 178.0 120.0 0.0 0.0 2000-08-01T13:00:00.0000-05:00 60.0 180.0 120.0 0.0 0.0 2000-08-01T14:00:00.0000-05:00 55.0 182.0 120.0 0.0 0.0
For the following date/time scenarios:
This time is before the first entry. The first entry will be used.
This time is equal to the first entry. The first entry will be used.
This time is greater than the first entry, but less than the second entry. The first entry will be used.
This time is equal to the second entry. The second entry will be used.
This time is greater than the second entry, but less than the third entry. The second entry will be used.
This time is beyond to the last (third) entry. The third (last) entry will be used.
Simple Solar Ephemeris
This is a simple solar-only prediction plugin that is based on the SunCalc JavaScript code written by Vladimir Agafonkin. The JS version of the calculations are released under a BSD license. Original code (c) 2011-2013, Vladimir Agafonkin.
Example Configuration
There are no inputs
for the Simple Solar plugin at this time:
"plugin_list": [
"name": "SimpleSolarEphemeris",
"inputs": {
![]() |
This plugin does not support moon positioning. |